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Q:  I've never played before. What do we do?
A: First time players are always welcome! In fact, most of our players are first or second timers! Simply park and walk up to get your group checked in, sign waivers, and select rental packages. We will give a brief safety orientation to ensure that all players understand how to play safely. After your safety orientation we will hand out equipment and get you out into a game. 
Q:  How long can I play?  Is there a time limit?
A:  There is no time limit! Admission is for the day. You can play paintball for as long as you like, as long as you have paint! Players can purchase paint throughout the day to play until we close if desired. Each game lasts from 7 to 10 minutes. Players will return to our picnic area to hydrate, air up and refill equipment before heading back out for another battle.  
Q:  What kinds of games do you play?
A:  The game types played vary between stages. Games are rotated throughout our stages all day. Players will typically experience at least one game on each stage prior to leaving. Our current game play includes a capture the flag stage, a "bomb the bunker" scenario, our version of a "basketball" game, and team elimination. New game styles/stages are in progress so be sure to check back soon to see what's new. 
Q:  Does Paintball hurt?
A:  Yes. It stings for a second or two , then it's over. It's like being flicked with an elastic on bare skin, but your adrenaline is pumping, so it's more startling than painful. Rest assured, kids as young as 10 years of age handle it with no problem.
Q:  What should I wear?
A:  High Voltage Paintball is a strictly outdoor experience. Dress as if you were going hiking for the day. We recommend sneakers or boots, long pants, long sleeves, etc. Consider the weather in your decision, and remember you will be working up a sweat!  
Q: Do kids need an adult with them to play?
A:  Players ages 10 and up are welcome. All players ages 17 or younger will need a parent to sign their waiver prior to arrival. There is no charge for "non-player" admission. Parents have the option to play, hang back at the picnic table area or drop off and return for pick up in a few hours. Our staff is fully trained and will ensure the kids remain safe throughout the day. 
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